Come and get involved in our free programme of activities in support of Men’s Health Week. You can check your vital health stats, get access to health advice and resources, come and try a workshop or exercise session.

Take some time this week to check in with yourself and observe what’s happening in your body and mind. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. This simple act can make a significant difference in your life or someone else’s.

Men’s Health Week Activities:

Self-service health checks

If you’re short on time you can check your vital health stats in just five minutes with our self -service health kiosks at Peckham Pulse Leisure Centre and The Castle Leisure Centre. They are free to use and are located in the foyers.

30 minute health and fitness checks

Meet with one of our health and fitness experts to check your vital health stats and help you understand what they mean. You can then take some basic physical tests to check strength, mobility and fitness. Just choose the ones you want.

  • Mobility check
  • Simple strength test (Bodyweight squats in 1 minute)
  • Cardio starter challenge (5-minute brisk walk on the treadmill

Where: The Castle Leisure Centre

When: 30 minute sessions are available during the following times.

Monday 10 June: 7am to 9am and 3pm to 5:30pm, Tuesday 11 June: 7am to 9am and 3pm to 5:00pm, Wednesday 12 June: 7am to 9am, Thursday 13 June: 8am to 11m and 5pm to 7pm, Saturday 15 June: 10am to 2pm and Sunday 16 June: 2pm to 4pm

Where: Peckham Pulse Leisure Centre

When: 30 minute sessions are available during the following times.

Monday 10 June: 9am to 1pm, Tuesday 11 June: 5pm to 7pm, Wednesday 12 June: 9am to 1pm, Thursday 13 June: 5pm to 10pm, Friday 14 June 6pm to 8pm

How to book:

Please call the leisure centre or visit reception.

Exercise Workshops and Classes

Come and join in a workshop or class led by one of our Fitness Motivators. 

Gym Floor HIIT Class: 45 minute high intensity fitness blast at Dulwich Leisure Centre, Monday 10 June: 12:30pm and 5pm

Gym Floor Strength Workshop: Learn how to lift weights effectively in this 45 minute workshop at Dulwich Leisure Centre, Tuesday 11 June: 2pm and 5pm and Sunday 16 June 10am and 2pm

Spin Class: Feel the exhilaration of a group indoor cycling class at Seven Islands Leisure Centre, Saturday 15 June: 9:30am to 10:15am

Core and posture analysis at Dulwich Leisure Centre, Saturday 15 June: 11am, 12 pm, 1pm and 3pm

How to book:

Please call the leisure centre or visit reception.

Men’s only swim session: supporting mental health

Swimming, like all exercise, releases endorphins in your brain. These are the feel good hormones. They help to increase positivity and bring about a sense of wellbeing and happiness. Join us for a one-hour men’s only swim session to float, swim, relax and enjoy the calm of the water.

Where: Camberwell Leisure Centre

When: Thursday 13 June, 7pm to 8pm

Free weight loss 12-week programme for men

We run a weight loss programme for men of over 45 who either live in or are registered with a GP in Southwark. Over 90% of men who take part lose weight, get more active, reduce stress and improve their mood.

>> Lose weight with free help: find out if you’re eligible today


Get a free health and wellbeing MOT

Get blood pressure and healthy weight checks at a free event. You can also get advice on diabetes, cancer screening, smoking, alcohol, mental health, and more

>> Find an event near you


Get help to stop smoking

The Southwark Stop Smoking Service provides 12 weeks of free, confidential one-to-one stop-smoking support which is available in-person or via the telephone service

>> sign up today


Walk and talk groups for mental health

Join The Proper Blokes Club for weekly walks along the south side of the Thames path on Thursdays at 6:30pm. Enjoy great views of the river to help you clear your mind and meet a great community


>> Join the next walk